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The complete guide to organizing a virtual company event


Přinášíme tip na článek od Michaeli Palaté o jedinečném virtuálním vánočním večírku pro zaměstnance firmy AVAST , na kterém jsme se aktivně podíleli jako lektoři.


“So much much more than a bag… “

If you are a “Love Actually” fan, I am sure you remember the jewelry scene. Alan Rickman is buying a necklace for his love-interest (and work colleague) and is being “helped” by Rowan Atkinson. Rickman’s character is in a hurry because his wife is shopping nearby. Trying to speed up the whole gift-wrapping process, at one point, he snaps: “I don’t want it in a bag, I will just put it in my pocket”. To which Atkinson replies, bewildered: “Oh but this isn’t a bag, sir. This is so much more than a bag”.

I am always reminded of this line when I think about the virtual holiday party we organized last December - because a well-planned, well-executed virtual event is so, so much more than a Zoom meeting…

In this article, I would like to share our experience and some practical tips for anyone who’s on the fence about whether a virtual event is right for them. .....

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